The IPM Blog

Please browse our posts and articles for more information about many different health related topics.

Give Your Protein Shake a Boost!

Give Your Protein Shake a Boost!

It’s easy and fast to add an extra anti-inflammatory boost to your protein shake or medical food. Just open one or two capsules of your favorite high-potency turmeric capsules into your blender...

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Axolotl Biologix on Fox News

Axolotl Biologix on Fox News

The institute for Progressive Medicine is offering Axolotl Biologics amniotic allograft injections under expert ultrasound guidance. This is an excellent therapy utilizing amnion derived stem cell...

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Gut Microflora May Influence Obesity

Gut Microflora May Influence Obesity

Polyphenols are a group of over 500 phytochemicals, which are naturally occurring micronutrients in plants. These compounds give a plant its color and can help to protect it from various dangers....

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