Whey proteins show blood pressure lowering powers

Beverages formulated with whey proteins may offer a dietary approach to reducing blood pressure in people at risk of hypertension, suggests a new study. Young adults in the early stages of developing high blood pressure (hypertension) experienced significant decreases...

Green tea may protect DNA from damage

Drinking green tea every day for a month may protect against damage at a genetic levels, with benefits linked to the beverage’s antioxidant content, says a new study. Combined results from a human supplementation trial and an in vitro study indicated a 20 percent...

Sleep affects kids in school; how much do yours need?

Oh, to be the Bildens. Their three kids go to bed at a decent hour — around 9 — and sleep through the night. No little ones tiptoeing out of the bedroom for a third glass of water or fifth bathroom trip. “The embarrassing part is, I go to sleep shortly after...

Will New Psych “Bible” Make Everyone Crazy?

Is anyone normal anymore? An updated edition of the medical reference doctors use to diagnose mental illnesses could include a range of brand-new disorders, including some that describe thought patterns and behaviors that have long been considered mere quirks or...