Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid Disorders Are you always tired? Have you gained weight? Are your feet and hands cold? Does your skin get dry? Are you constipated and bloated? Do you get depressed? Does your body ache? Is your memory worse? The above signs can all be indicators of an...


Stroke Stroke is damage to brain tissue due to a loss of circulation. It is a major cause of death and severe disability from paralysis. Stroke may occur through passage of blood clots from the heart or carotid arteries into the brain, or hemorrhage from rupture of...
Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

  Handling Sports Injuries Bicycling, dancing, hill and mountain climbing, weight training and other heavy workouts, running, basketball, soccer, football, volleyball, tennis.  All these sports are fun, health-enhancing, and positive activities. All these sports...
Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders

Trouble sleeping is one of the most common complaints patients have when visiting their physician. In fact, Over 20% of Americans may suffer from chronic sleep loss or untreated sleep disorders. Underlying causes of insomnia include high stress, improper diet, food...
Lung Disease and Respiratory Problems

Lung Disease and Respiratory Problems

ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, EMPHYSEMA The incidence of lung disease is increasing more than any other class of illness. Much of this is due to a rise in environmental pollution. We have a number of effective treatments. Xlear nasal spray– this simple and expedient device...

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones, occurs with hormonal deficiency, lack of exercise, weight loss, cigarette smoking, alcohol use, steroid therapy, high protein diets and vitamin D deficiency. Certain medications increase bone loss,...
Men’s Health

Men’s Health

Men are often less attentive to their health than women. It is common for wives to make doctor’s appointments for their husbands. Proper care is important, however, since a lot can be done to prevent, ameliorate and reverse disease. We encourage men to pursue regular...
Liver Disease

Liver Disease

Liver Disease Content coming soon! For more information or to make an appointment, please call us at (949) 600-5100 Call...