Joint and Muscle Pain

Joint and Muscle Pain

What we do for Joint and Muscle Pain and InflammationWe see many people with muscle and joint pain.  These pains are often chronic, coming from repetitive activities over years, poor posture, excessive exercise, or unresolved injuries. Change What You EatSugar, dairy...
Hormone Deficiency

Hormone Deficiency

Hormone Deficiency Estrogen and menopause in women Menopause is defined as one year after the last menstrual period. Prior to that time, however, symptoms will begin and blood tests will reveal low estradiol levels and high FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone, a...
High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol

CHOLESTEROL- HOW IMPORTANT IS IT AND WHAT DO YOU DO ABOUT IT? Cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease and peripheral vascular disease, but not for stroke unless it is extremely high. According to current medical literature, total cholesterol should be less than...
High Blood Pressure – Hypertension

High Blood Pressure – Hypertension

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE – THE ANSWER One quarter of the adult population of the United States has high blood pressure. In most of these people blood pressure is not under control despite medication. Most patients are taking 2, 3, or 4 blood pressure medications and are...
Heart Disease

Heart Disease

Heart disease usually begins after the age of 40 in men, but generally does not begin in women until after menopause. At the age of 60 and thereafter heart disease occurs with equal frequency in both sexes. Initial symptoms are tightness or pain in the chest, shoulder...
Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

What is “Lyme Syndrome?” Lyme disease is a hot topic in the integrative medical community. Lyme disease is an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete bacteria that is transmitted via a specific type of deer tick. Lyme disease was named in 1977 after...
Gastrointestinal Disorders

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Gastrointestinal disorders encompass Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux, food allergies, parasites, dysbiosis, and a number of less common...
Regenerative Cell Therapy

Regenerative Cell Therapy

Regenerative Cell and Tissue Allograft Therapies Regenerative cell therapy is well established in the treatment of orthopedic disorders. Many studies have documented regrowth of cartilage and reduction of pain in damaged joints, especially knees and hips. Any joint...

Diabetes The Epidemic Diabetes mellitus has become a world-wide epidemic. Twenty million Americans have diabetes, one third of whom are not aware they have it. Within the next few years 250 million people in the world will have diabetes. Diabetes...