Green Tea Protection for the Eyes

Catechins, a family of polyphenols (plant chemicals) found in green tea, may help protect the eyes against glaucoma and other eye related diseases, according to recent research. The green tea compounds can travel from the digestive system into the tissues of the eyes....

Magnesium May Bring Relief for Asthma

Asthmatics who supplemented magnesium demonstrated significant improvements in their asthma symptoms and in their quality of life. Magnesium supplementation in patients with asthma showed anti-inflammatory properties as well. CLICK HERE for Resp-Aid, a special liquid...

Food Irradiation for Food Safety?

If you’ve seen the film  Food, Inc., you know that our industrial food system can be severely unsanitary. With the cramped conditions in which animals are bred, raised and slaughtered, it is no wonder that diseases such as E. coli spread so easily and end up in...

The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane? is the definitive documentary on psychotropic drugging and how the psychiatrists market madness. Here is the story of the high-income partnership between psychiatry and drug companies that has created an $80 billion...

FDA Says Walnuts Are Drugs

Life Extension has published 57 articles that describe the health benefits of walnuts. Some of this same scientific data is featured on the website of Diamond Foods, Inc., a distributor of packaged walnuts. The FDA has determined that walnuts sold by Diamond Foods...