Fun facts…

Cell Phone Radiation and GinkgoPast studies have determined that mobile phone use and the subsequent emission of low level EMR (electromagnetic radiation) can lead to oxidative damage in brain tissue. Ginkgo biloba has been shown to prevent mobile phone induced...

Kudzu root fights metabolic syndrome

A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports that root extracts from the vine kudzu help lower cholersterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and insulin levels. Long used in China and Japan as a health food supplement, kudzu shows promise as...

High blood pressure a risk factor in memory problems

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause heart attack, stroke, heart failure and kindney failure. New research shows that it is also linked to memory problems and cognitive impairment. A study in the journal “Neurology” is the largest of its kind to look...

Losing Your Hair – Find Out What You Can Do

If you dread trips to the hair salon and cringe every time you pass a mirror, there’s a pretty good chance you’re concerned about hair loss. Making sure certain foods are in your diet will help keep your scalp healthy, happy and hopefully, full of hair. Below are a...

Healthy Home Tip: Pick Plastics Carefully

Our homes are filled with plastics, and most of us don’t really know what they’re made of — or whether they’re safe. Environmental Working Group has put together tips to help you choose better plastics and plastic alternatives for your family....