Turmeric shown to be a powerful natural healer

The medicinal properties of turmeric have long been known in Eastern cultural traditions, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine. Recently, however, turmeric has emerged as “one of nature’s most powerful potential healers.” Its medicinal...

Macular degeneration reduction; Bovine colostrum benefits

The way to the eyes may be through the stomach. Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in the UK, could be reduced by up to 20% by increasing the amount of fruit, vegetables and nuts in the diet. Says Professor Ian Grierson,...

Bodily inflammation linked with other diseases

Scientists are now discovering that bodily inflammation is linked with a host of diseases including Heart Disease, Stroke, Lung Disease, Cancers, Alzheimer’s and others. There are a number of bacteria that live in the mouth, some good, some harmless and some harmful....

Documentary: Generation Rx

  Visit www.generationrxfilm.com for more information. For more information or to make an appointment, please call us at (949) 600-5100 Call...

Fun facts…

Acidic Diets may accelerate bone loss A new study suggests that neutralizing an acid-producing diet may be an important key to reducing bone breakdown while aging. Fruits and vegetables are metabolized to bicarbonate and thus are alkali-producing. But the typical...