Breast Cancer Prevention Through Exercise

Women who exercise regularly during their younger years are 23 percent less likely to develop breast cancer as adults, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and published in the Journal of the...

Cell Phones May Affect Fertility

Keeping a cell phone on talk mode in a pocket can decrease sperm quality, according to new research from the Cleveland Clinic. “We believe that these devices are used because we consider them very safe, but it could cause harmful effects due to the proximity of...

Fun Facts…

A simple answer to a painful problem. Gallstone-related disorders are common and costly, but preventive measures are largely unexplored. Lifestyle risk factors include physical activity, obesity/overweight, and diet. Increasing consumption of magnesium appears to...

Fun Facts…

Building a better brain. A new UK study found that older people with higher levels of vitamin B12 were six times less likely to experience brain volume loss, leading the researchers to suggest that the vitamin may protect against brain shrinkage, which is linked to...

Pre-diabetes is Worth Treating

Source: Valerie Ulene, New York Times, September 8, 2008 Simple lifestyle changes such as exercise, weight loss and improved diet are often enough to bring blood glucose levels down to normal. Millions of Americans fall in between normal blood glucose levels and...