Lose Weight With Testosterone

Lose Weight With Testosterone

Testosterone deficiency is commonplace, and closely related to age. Levels decline 1% yearly after the age of 40. We also see declines in men under stress, either emotional or physical, and in men taking psychoactive agents such as antidepressants, sedatives, as well...

Testosterone Lengthens Life Span

Diabetic men with low testosterone levels had a death rate twice as high as diabetics with normal testosterone levels, followed over 6 years (20% versus 9%).  When men with low testosterone were treated to restore normal levels, the risk of death was the same as men...
Lose Weight With Testosterone

Impaired Sleep Lowers Testosterone

Sleep deprivation is epidemic in modern society, and indeed is the most frequent symptom we see in our practice. There is now evidence that impaired sleep lowers testosterone production. (JAMA, June 1, 2011, pp 2173-2174.) Ten healthy young men spent 11 days in the...