American Heart Association Recommends Limiting Sugar Intake

Most American women should not consume more than 100 calories of added sugar a day, while men should limit their intake to no more than 150 calories, according to a new recommendation from the American Heart Association.

“Added sugar” refers to sugars added to foods during processing, during cooking or when a food is consumed.

The recommendation works out to about six teaspoons of added sugar a day for women and about nine teaspoons for men. In the United States, people take in more than 22 teaspoons of added sugar (355 calories) on average, each day, according to the 2001-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is made from Birch tree bark and corn husks and tastes just like sugar, but has 40% less calories and creates no sugar highs or lows! IPM offers Xylitol in several different sizes and quantities.

Source: Americans Are Urged to Cut Sugar Intake

Benefits of Probiotics

Encouraging the production of our natural gut flora through probiotic use may help stimulate our immune systems to protect us against the ubiquitous protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. IPM carries several probiotic formulas, including HMF intensive and Saccharomyces Boulardii.

Source: Gut Commensal Bacteria Direct a Protective Immune Response against Toxoplasma gondii

Eat Right for Your Stomach

Those infected with Heliobacter pylori, eat red meat and dairy and consume high amounts of salt significantly increase their risk of gastric cancer. On the other hand, those who consume more fresh fruits and vegetables decrease their likelihood of developing the disease, according to a recent study.

IPM offers Pylori Protect, a supplement designed to promote the reduction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. We also offer Pure Synergy, a high-potency supplement made with fruits and vegetables.

Source: The role of diet and other environmental factors in the causation of gastric cancer in Iran – A population based study

Zinc Required For Proper Folate Metabolism

Is zinc deficiency a major reason why we are finding unmetabolized folic acid in the bloodstream of many people?

Since 1998, folic acid fortification has been mandated in all cereal-grain products in order to decrease the incidence of neural tube defect in newborns. This mandated fortification together with the naturally occurring folates already found in many foods, has placed increased importance on the dihydrofolate reductase enzyme. This enzyme is required to reduce folic acid to tetrahydrofolate, the main folate form that enters the folate metabolic cycle.

IPM carries both Liquid Zinc and Reacted Zinc.

This enzyme requires zinc for its activity.

For more information or to make an appointment, please call us at (949) 600-5100