Healthy older couple

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Ton of Cure

To prevent colds, it’s important to wash your hands several times a day with soap and water. There is no data that says antibacterial soap is any better than regular soap. Keep a distance of at least three feet from people who are coughing or have runny noses. Use a xylitol based nasal spray such as Xlear Nasal Spray every morning and every night to cleanse the nasal passages as most infections enter through this route.

Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation for Cold & Flu

XlearTake 2000 mg of Vitamin C daily. If you are under stress as with travel, exams, long hours, also use colloidal silver gargles twice daily, Zinc lozenges and Liquid Vitamin A, 10 drops daily. This is a higher dose of vitamin A than you would normally take. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and help the body’s natural mechanisms prevent infection.

What If I am Already Feeling Sick?

Colloidal silver nasal sprayIf you start upper respiratory symptoms, with cough, runny nose, fever, diffuse aches, or wheezes, try to get an intravenous vitamin drip as soon as possible.
This contains high-dose vitamin C, magnesium, Glutathione and other vitamins and minerals to support immune function and suppress infection. Colloidal silver nasal spray, one spray each nostril twice a day and Liquid Vitamin A, ten drops daily for the duration of symptoms will help. For cough relief we use Reboost cough syrup, 2 tsp 3 times a day.

Nasal Ozone Works Wonders

Ozone is a gas with powerful antibacterial and antiviral effects. Our medical assistants are expert at infusing ozone into nasal tissues. A nasal ozone treatment is inexpensive and takes only a few minutes. Patients often report an immediate draining and clearing of stuffy nose and inflamed sinuses.

Dr. Allan Sosin

For more information or to make an appointment, please call us at (949) 600-5100