Broccoli soup anyone?*

Daily consumption of broccoli sprouts may cut Helicobacter pylori infections, and offer protection against stomach ulcers, and maybe cancer, says a new study.

Japanese men and women with H. pylori infections who consumed 70 grams a day of fresh broccoli sprouts had lower levels of the bacteria after eight weeks than men and women consuming alfalfa sprouts, according to the study.

Cruciferous vegetables contain high levels of the active plant chemicals glucosinolates. These are metabolized by the body into isothiocyanates, which are known to be powerful anti-carcinogens. The main isothiocyanate from broccoli is sulphoraphane.


Source: Dietary Sulforaphane-Rich Broccoli Sprouts Reduce Colonization and Attenuate Gastritis in Helicobacter pylori Infected Mice and Humans

Fish Oil and Tumor Reduction

Docosahexanoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oils, has been shown to reduce the size of tumors and enhance the positive effects of the chemotherapy drug cisplatin, while limiting its harmful side effects.
The researchers found that, at the molecular level, DHA acts by reducing leukocytosis (white blood cell accumulation), systemic inflammation, and oxidative stress, all processes that have been linked with tumor growth.

IPM offers a complete suite of fish oil products, including our Mega Omega softgels. Call 949-600-5100 for more information.

Source: Chemopreventive and renal protective effects for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): implications of CRP and lipid peroxides

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