Women and Men Urged to Seek “Preconception Care”

(From Forbes.com, Tuesday, July 22)  It’s a good bet mom never told you to speak to your doctor before getting pregnant. But these days, that’s exactly what women of childbearing age — and their male partners — are being encouraged to do....

Nutritional Fun Facts…

My colon is nuts for almonds. According to a recent study almonds have been found to possess prebiotic effects, increasing populations of bifidobacteria and Eubacterium rectale more effectively than commercial prebiotics. (Source: Applied and Environmental...

A Seafood Diet, Omega-3’s May Prevent Memory Loss

Eating fish may limit the risk of having a stroke or demonstrating memory loss in old age, it has been asserted. In news that may be of interest to people working with patients with Alzheimer’s disease, a study published in the August 5th issue of Neurology, the...

Statin Drugs for 8-year Olds… Really?

  (Excerpt from Orthomolecular Validus Newsletter, August 2008) Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published their latest guidelines for lipid screening and cardiovascular health in childhood. The news media focused primarily on the pharmaceutical...