By Shane Ellison

My wife and I always take our kids with us when we go grocery shopping. It gives us the opportunity to teach them how to recognize sneaky labeling and deceptive brand names, and how to pick the best foods for a healthy meal.

We show them how to read labels so they don’t get ensnared in grocery store fat traps. We teach them to look for things like high fructose corn syrup, MSG, dextrose, and sucrose. And we explain how to avoid the hormone smashers that evaporate muscles. These include many sports drinks, juices, and flavored teas with words related to “health” or “nutrition” in their names.

Then we help them select a healthy balance of the right foods. We let our kids pick out their own veggies, which gets them excited about eating them. We also let them help prepare their meals – and that gets them even more excited about healthy eating.

Including your kids in your weekly shopping trip will help them realize how important healthy natural foods are to their bodies. In my family, health is wealth. And in this, we are abundant!

[Ed. Note: Shane Ellison’s entire career has been dedicated to the study of molecules – how they give life and how they take from it. He was a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. He is a bestselling author, holds a master’s degree in organic chemistry, and has first-hand experience in drug design.]

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