Weight Control Program

Overweight and obesity are epidemic problems almost worldwide. Obesity-related conditions include high pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, diabetes and pre-diabetes, heart attacks and strokes, sleep apnea, congestive heart failure, arthritis and several cancers including breast, esophageal and kidney cancer. Beyond these problems, overweight people often have fatigue, depression, and impaired self-image.

More than 2/3 of American adults are overweight. Curiously, it is now abnormal to have a normal weight. One third of American adults are obese, and over two million people are massively obese, meaning they are 100 pounds above ideal weight. Bariatric surgery, using procedures to compress or bypass the stomach, are performed yearly in hundreds of thousands of patients, who believe they have no alternative. We believe they have another choice.


Too much of the wrong kinds of foods- fast foods, high glycemic index foods that raise blood sugar levels and insulin levels, leading to fat deposition: refined carbohydrates, starches like potatoes, rice and corn, plus bread, soft drinks and sugar. Not enough fiber, not enough fruits and vegetables.

Too many meals in restaurants.

Not enough time and effort put into shopping and preparing meals properly.

Insufficient exercise.

Stress. Some people lose weight with stress, but most of us head for food as a means of relieving our anxiety and discomfort.

Poor quality of sleep. Research indicates that certain hormones are released during sleep that reduce appetite. Absence of these hormones increases hunger.

Medications- several medications cause weight gain: certain diabetes medications,steroids, many psychiatric medications and tranquilizers.


Many types of diets are effective for weight loss, but unfortunately most people stray from their programs and start to gain weight again after about six months. Strict vegan diets can be difficult to maintain. A low glycemic index diet is likely the most practical way to lose weight. Fats and proteins promote satiety and reduce appetite, but it is important to choose the right fats. Refined carbohydrates such as bread and bakery products, sugar, candy and soft drinks, do not satisfy, and they increase appetite. They should be restricted or eliminated. Fiber intake should be increased as much as possible. Fiber is indigestible carbohydrate that cannot be absorbed and slows the absorption of other foods. High fiber foods increase serving size without raising calorie intake, as high fiber foods contain a lot of water. Ideally, one should have 50 grams of fiber daily. We can show you how to do this.

Missing meals is no way to lose weight. Omitting breakfast increases food intake later in the day, and weight actually goes up.

Low fat diets generally are unsuccessful for weight loss, because they are often high in refined carbohydrates that the liver converts into fat. High carbohydrate tends to raise triglyceride levels and lower the HDL, or good cholesterol level. These are unfavorable changes.

We aim for a weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week, no more. More rapid weightloss leads eventually to a nutritional stone wall, and people become unable to control their food cravings and gain weight again, ending up heavier than they were when they started. Weight loss should occur as part of a sustainable lifestyle change. In this way it can be maintained. Patients have lost up to 100 pounds on our program.

Our weight loss program is monitored by a certified, highly experienced nutritionist. Our patients are not deprived. There is plenty to eat. We emphasize whole, unprocessed foods, nutrient dense and preferably organic, with many vegetables and fruits. Along with weight loss, our patients achieve remarkable improvements in their sense of well-being, and in their self-esteem.

For more information or to make an appointment, please call us at (949) 600-5100