Dr Sosin’s assistant asked me if I would write a testimonial about the recent stem cell treatment on my knee. So, when his assistant called to remind me I realized I hadn’t thought about my knee in sometime. That’s right – no knee pain, no squeaking bone, no twinges to remind me to be very careful how I walked or climbed stairs.

Three years ago I had extraordinary knee pain in my right knee. I went to Dr Sosin who prescribed an X-ray. The diagnosis was a torn meniscus and places that were bone on bone. I underwent prolotherapy which helped but still left considerable unease and pain during exercise. So, after a year of enduring this continual annoyance, I decide to have stem cell treatment. Three weeks after treatment my knee felt much better. Two months later it was still improving and a sonogram showed that the fat pad (a source of natural stem cells) on my knee was almost completely restored.

So, now six months after the procedure I exercise regularly and my knee pain is only a distant memory.

Thank you, Dr Sosin, Dr Moore, Shirin and Shannon for a procedure well done. –T.M.

For more information or to make an appointment, please call us at (949) 600-5100