It’s unfortunately not uncommon for people to experience chronic muscle and joint pain. This pain can have a variety of causes, from poor posture to excessive exercise to unresolved injuries. When you see a doctor for joint pain, they will often recommend repair or replacement surgeries as the only course of treatment. However, there are a number of non-surgical joint repair treatments that can effectively resolve joint pain and inflammation. Keep reading to find out more about these non-surgical joint repair treatments and how they can help.

1. Prolotherapy

prolotherapy injection in kneeDo you have weakened, stretched, or partially torn tendons or ligaments? These connective tissues can become damaged from wear and tear or injury, reducing their ability to function properly to support your bones and muscles. While surgery is often recommended to repair these tissues, you may be able to resolve the problem with prolotherapy. Prolotherapy is a non-surgical joint repair treatment that can strengthen these problem areas in your arms, legs, back, and neck, thus reducing pain and restoring function. This joint repair therapy involves injecting a mixture of sugar water, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and often ozone into the problem area. This treatment stimulates your immune cells to promote new tissue growth. Even severely degenerated joints may respond to this non-surgical treatment.

2. Nutritional Supplements

Another method of non-surgical joint repair that may help is nutritional supplementation. There are a number of nutritional supplements that can reduce the pain and inflammation associated with joint injuries, which can in turn speed up the healing process. Some examples of supplements that may be recommended to you include collagen, fish oils, curcumin, hyaluronic acid, Boswellia, bromelain, quercetin, and others. The supplements your body needs depend on the nature of your joint problems, and our doctors will be able to recommend the right natural supplements to promote healing.

3. Diet

assorted fruits and vegetablesOne way you can improve your joint pain without surgery is through the foods you eat. Certain foods are known to aggravate pain and inflammation, such as sugar, dairy, and refined grains. Fruits and green vegetables, on the other hand, can help reduce pain and inflammation. That’s why one method of non-surgical joint repair that may help you is altering your diet. Replacing processed, sugary foods with natural fruits and vegetables can cause noticeable improvement in your joint pain.

4. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet rich plasma, also known as PRP, is a non-surgical therapy that takes advantage of your blood’s natural healing properties to repair damaged tendons, ligaments, cartilage, muscles, and even bone. This treatment is commonly used for joint repair in a number of orthopedic conditions, including osteoarthritis. Platelet rich plasma is formed using your own blood to create plasma with a higher concentration of platelets. This PRP is then injected directly into your joints to stimulate joint repair using your body’s own natural healing abilities. PRP therapy may help reduce inflammation, stimulate new cartilage formation, increase production of lubricating fluid, and reduce the sensation of pain.

5. Biocellular Products

regenerative cell therapy injection in kneeBiocellular products can also be used for non-surgical joint repair. Regenerative cell therapy is a well-established treatment for orthopedic disorders and can promote the regrowth of cartilage as well as the reduction of pain in damaged joints. These biocellular injections can be used to treat any joint, including shoulders, wrists, elbows, hips, knees, back, neck, feet, fingers, and toes. This joint repair therapy can stimulate the rebuilding of torn and weakened tendons, and partial tears can even be reversed. All of this is accomplished through precise ultrasound-guided injections without the need for surgery.

6. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a great non-surgical treatment for joint issues. There are a number of exercises and stretches that can reduce your joint pain and improve joint function. Your physical therapy regimen may also include massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, and electrical stimulation to further reduce inflammation and pain while improving range of motion and function. The physical therapies that are recommended will depend on the type and severity of your joint damage.

Non-Surgical Joint Repair at the Institute for Progressive Medicine

Now you know more about non-surgical joint repair options that can help ease joint pain and promote healing. You could benefit from one or more of these therapies if you struggle with joint pain or injury. If you are interested in learning more about non-surgical joint repair options, please schedule an appointment with the Institute for Progressive Medicine today. Our knowledgeable team will be happy to talk with you about your concerns and recommend the best course of treatment so you can live your happiest, healthiest life! We look forward to seeing you soon!