The IPM Blog

Please browse our posts and articles for more information about many different health related topics.

Thyroid, Hormones and Antiaging

Thyroid, Hormones and Antiaging

Hormones interact with each other. Changes in one hormone invariably affect the activity of other hormones. For instance, testosterone is converted into fatty tissue to estrogen, and the...

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Hormone Side Effects

Hormone Side Effects

Too high an estrogen dose may cause breast tenderness or enlargement, weight gain, headache, or irritability.  These side effects are far more common with non-bioidentical estrogens.  ...

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Why would pellets be better than oral hormones or creams? Pellets are the only formulation than provide a completely stable blood level for months.  All of the other formulations will produce...

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Bioidentical Only—Nothing Else Will Do

Bioidentical Only—Nothing Else Will Do

Sex hormone replacement therapy was founded on the false assumption that hormones with similar chemical structure had identical actions and side effects. That erroneous belief holds to this day....

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Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as hormones produced in the human body. There have been many studies demonstrating their safety. At this time, with the ready availability of...

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Hormone Formulations

Hormone Formulations

Hormones are available in many different forms including implanted pellets, transdermal creams, gels, patches, drops, sublingual pellets, troches (wafers), vaginal suppositories, oral capsules, and...

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IV Bonus Program

IV Bonus Program

Patient Benefits: Receive a 10% IV BONUS credit when you prepay $2500 or more for IV therapy! Patients may use their IV prepay amount plus their 10% IV BONUS credit for IV pushes, IV drips, IV adds,...

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