Quercetin and Exercise Performance

Test subjects supplemented with the bioflavonoid quercetin, when performing extended exercise training, demonstrated improved exercise performance and delayed experience of fatigue compared to those exercising test subjects who did not receive the quercetin...
Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug Addiction Treatment

The addict conceives that he is insufficient without drugs, that his existence can only be maintained through drugs. It is our job to help him realize that survival is possible without drugs, indeed that life can be enhanced without drugs. This applies, by corollary,...

EWG to discuss toxins on CNN

Recently, EWG President Ken Cook met with CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in Mossville, Louisiana, where they talked about the impacts of toxic chemicals on human health. You can watch this interview on Sanjay Gupta MD this Saturday or when it re-airs...

Jamie Oliver Receives TED Award

Chef and activist against childhood obesity, Jamie Oliver, recently received the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Award and gave a very inspirational speech. Click to view larger version For more information or to make an appointment, please call us at (949)...
Drug Addiction Treatment

Sprouted Grain Gluten-Free Bread from Julian Bakery

Julian Bakery – maker of delicious low-carb, sprouted-grain breads – now has a gluten-free bread available. This is the first whole grain, complete protein bread on the market that is gluten free, wheat free, sweet free and yeast free, with 13 different...

Childhood Obesity and American Agriculture

Children’s health is a major concern today, as can be illustrated by just a few statistics: One in three children in the US is overweight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over the past three decades the childhood obesity rate has more than...

Longevity in a Bottle.

Men, wanting to add years to their life, should consider supplementing with calcium beyond what is recommended as the daily dose. The latest science shows that Swedish men who supplemented with relatively high doses of calcium reduced their all-cause mortality,...

Are we getting what we pay for?

Americans love cheap food. We spend less of our incomes  on food now than ever before. In 1949, we allotted 22 percent of our incomes to food. In 2009, that figure dropped to only 10 percent (about half of what the Japanese and French spend). Seems good until you...
Drug Addiction Treatment

Beyond Organic: Nutrient-Dense Blueberries from Heaven

There are a growing number of farmers throughout the world who have gone completely against the grain of current industrial farming. They go beyond meeting organic standards and ceasing to harm the soil and crops with chemical pesticides. These farmers practice...