Another Reason to Avoid Energy and Sports Drinks

Sports drinks can rehydrate you after a workout, but they also may wreak havoc on your teeth. Prolonged consumption of these types of beverages could lead to erosive tooth wear, according to a study presented at the International Association for Dental Research in...

Mothers Act Fuels Multibillion Dollar Industry

Help Safeguard Patient’s Rights and Informed Consent. If new legislation known as the Mother’s Act becomes law, dangerous and unnecessary drugging of infants through pregnant and nursing mothers will no doubt increase. CLICK HERE to read a very thorough...

The latest on Swine Flu

Swine flu has been prevalent in the news media, and it is likely that the media hype is somewhat overblown. As of May 1st, 2009, there has been only one death attributed to swine flu in the United states. In contrast, the CDC reports that approximately 5% to 20% of...

15-year rematch changes life

Whether they work to improve stamina in a sport or be more active at family gatherings, patients are often more successful and realize quicker results when they have a purpose to improve their health. Watch this video to see great success in using lifestyle factors to...