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Dementia and Vitamin D A new large-scale senior population study has found that a lack of vitamin D in the elderly could be linked to cognitive impairment. The study prompted researchers to suggest vitamin D supplementation as a possible means of reducing the risk of...

Fun facts…

Studies of living brain tissue may lead to the development of new stroke therapies Dr. Sergei Kirov, a neuroscientist at the Medical College of Georgia Schools of Medicine and Graduate Studies, is using slices of living human brain tissue to identify potential new...

Health facts…

B12 for Brain Health In a recent review of the literature, adequate levels of vitamin B12 may still not be enough to fend off the potential of age related cognitive decline. It is suggested that higher levels of B12 may be more efficacious in avoiding this common...

Dr. Sosin Contributes to New Medical Textbook

Dr. Allan Sosin recently contributed a chapter to the book “Food and Nutrients in Disease Management.” Edited by Ingrid Kohlstadt, this text aims to effectively bring food back into the clinical arena and help physicians put food and nutrients back on the...