Prolozone, or prolotherapy combined with ozone, is a highly effective treatment for painful, injured or degenerating joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. In prolotherapy, sugar water containing vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, is injected into the involved area through a slender needle. This stimulates lymphocytes, cells of the immune system, to enter and promote the growth of new tissue. Over the last year, we have been adding ozone to the injection, with even better results in handling pain and disability.

Ozone is a gas produced from oxygen in a special machine. It is an activated form of oxygen, and works through several mechanisms to heal and grow new tissues, mainly through the enhanced production of energy within cells. Ozone diffuses easily throughout the area where it is injected, so a single injection can treat several damaged points in the same space. Even severely degenerated joints may respond, so it is worthwhile to attempt prolozone therapy when surgery is the only other option.

Over the last year we have treated knees, hips, shoulders, ankles, elbows, necks and lower backs, often with improvement after only one or two treatments. Treatments are given at least two weeks apart to allow for full treatment benefit. Treatments can be repeated indefinitely, since effects are cumulative.

Prolozone can also be used to treat headaches, scar pain, dental and sinus infections.

Call us to schedule an evaluation for treatment.

Allan Sosin, M.D.

Prolozone Success

“After being told this last year by an orthopedic surgeon that I needed a left hip replacement I was more than a little depressed. And while looking at the x-ray of my pelvis he quickly added that it would not be too long before I would most likely also need to have my right hip replaced. This was February 2012.

Luckily after going home and doing some research on what the hip surgery involved and what the results might be I remembered reading about prolozone in one of the medical newsletters I subscribed to from a Dr. Frank Shallenberger. Fortunately I located the information right where I had filed it and I was also able to find Dr. Allan Sosin and his Institute for Progressive Medicine through a directory reference in Dr. Shallenberger’s medical newsletter.

Upon meeting Dr. Sosin in my initial consultation for the prolozone treatment I immediately felt at ease and based on his answers to my questions developed a sense of confidence that even if he couldn’t cure my hip problems he could at least minimize the pain and restore my ease of movement. I also informed Dr. Sosin that I was also experiencing some pain in my right knee.

I have had a total of six prolozone injections to my left hip, three to my right knee, and two to my right hip. Although I am not totally cured, the reduction in pain and restoration of painless movement in all three areas is very considerable. I would say that there has been about a 70% improvement in the healing of these three areas. It is now November 2012 and I have received prolozone treatments from Dr. Sosin since June 2012. I plan to continue the prolozone treatments until I feel I am 100% cured in these three areas of my body. I thank God for doctors like Dr. Sosin and Dr. Shallenberger.”


For more information or to make an appointment, please call us at (949) 600-5100